A parent of the exhibitor must be present during major show validation. If there is a conflict, please notify Whitney Ingram in advance so additional paperwork can be filled out prior to validation.**
• Heifers already validated do NOT have to be revalidated or have a tag. Heifers ONLY need to be revalidated if they change breed or ownership. If you have leftover tags from June validation, you may use them this fall.
• Heifers that have existing 840 tags (bangs/premise ID/etc.), tags will not have to be removed. However, these will NOT take the place of a validation 840 tag. In other words, a heifer can have more than one 840 tag in their ear or you can remove previous tags; but regardless, the animal has to have a validation 840 tag. We will have a specific form for you to complete at the time of validation for any previously existing 840 tags that are removed to remain in compliance with TAHC/USDA.
• Registered Heifer Exhibitors: The deadline for ownership, transfer, and registration for Registered Breeding Heifers is November 1, 2023. A color PDF copy of the original registration papers must be emailed to
Whitney.Ingram@ag.tamu.edu prior to validation.
301 W Loop 121, Belton, TX 76513, USA