The 23/24 Bell County Council Meetings are at the County Extension Office at 6:30. The council delegate and the president of each club are the two representatives who will serve as voting delegates on the Bell County 4-H County Council. These two representatives are encouraged to attend all council meetings. All 4-H members are welcome! Council meetings are a lot of fun, so come and learn about the county 4-H program and vote on exciting new 4-H opportunities.
January 18 – Program: Honey Bees; Community Service: Animal Shelter Donations
The Bell County Animal Shelter helps promote general animal welfare through the management of stray animals. Each year the shelter takes in and cares for hundreds of animals. The shelter depends on generous community donations of food and supplies to function. Items needed by the shelter are being collected through the month of January by the Bell County 4-H Council and can be dropped off at the CEO. The shelter also maintains an Amazon wish list that allows you to order directly from Amazon and ship directly to the shelter. This wish list is available at needed include:
Clorox bleach, Paper Towels, Exam Gloves, Dawn Dish Detergent, Dog Leashes, Purina Dry Cat Chow, Purina Dry Puppy Chow, Purina Dry Kitten Chow, Purina Dry Dog Chow, Tidy Cats Litter, Old Towels, Old Blankets, Large Dog Collars, Cat Toys, Dog Treats, Gain Liquid Laundry Soap, March 26 – Program: Fire Department; Community Service: Community Garden Donation
May 9 – Program: Council Officer Elections; Community Service: Non-Perishable Food Drive
1605 N Main St #102, Belton, TX 76513, USA