There are two options for exhibitors to submit tag orders:
To order online and pay by credit card, visit: order in person and pay with exact cash or check, an order form will be available at the CEO. Checks can be made payable to the Bell Livestock Coalition.
COST: $20/tag. Tag fees will increase by $5/tag if placed after the above deadlines, if tags are available.
All Market Lambs, Market Goats, Breeding Sheep, Wether Dams, Breeding Goats, and Wether Does will use the same RFID validation tag. We only have them separated on the order form to help our committees plan for physical validations and show.
• Registered breeding sheep, registered breeding goats, wether/commercial dams, and wether/commercial does will have 3 total years of eligibility unless a change in ownership takes place.
• All sheep and goats are eligible for family validation. Registered sheep and goats can family validate if the registration papers have all exhibitors full names listed as owners. Registration paper ownership will determine the exhibitors eligible to show that project.
• Texas Lamb Breeders Association (TLBA) and Texas Goat Breeders Association (TGBA) tag numbers MUST be in the animal’s ear and be recorded on the validation form at validation. Market lambs and wether does must have a TLBA tag to be eligible to compete in the San Angelo Stock Show.
• Registered Sheep and Goat Exhibitors: Please send a PDF copy of the ORIGINAL registration papers for the sheep and goats you plan to validate to PRIOR to validation.
1605 N Main St, Belton, TX 76513, USA